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Local Government Law

​  Our attorneys have provided local governments in Georgia with experienced counsel and representation in all areas related to muncipal and county governance. The firm has an established history of representing cities, counties, development authorities, community improvement districts (CIDs) and water and sewer authorities on many of the issues confronting such entities. MaddoxNix has litigation experience in the fields of annexation, zoning disputes, redevelopment, and contract disputes in the public arena. Lawyers in our firm have also been involved in the passage of SPLOST and HOST tax initiatives and assisted clients in drafting and negotiatng related intergovernmental agreements, project contracts and addressing the issues arising from the projects funded by such intitiatives. In addition, our firm has been involved in the acquisition of properties, right of way for streetscape projects, reservoir construction and the expansion of public facilities.


    Our attorneys have extensive experience drafting and implementing local ordinances, negotiating contracts on behalf of governmental entities, zoning and land use disputes, compliance with open meetings and open records laws, Georgia Tax Tribunal, competitive bidding procurement procedures,  and public finance.


     Based on the firm’s experience in Municipal Law, our attorneys are often retained to assist clients with negotiating contracts with governmental entities, securing governmental approvals, economic development incentives and funding for client projects, and obtaining favorable interpretations of local regulations. Our attorneys have provided advice to numerous clients related to local ad valorem, sales, and license taxes and have navigated clients through the complexity of a variety of local licensing and regulatory issues. 



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Pursuant to Rule 7.2(e) of the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct: No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.


The materials on this website have been prepared by MaddoxNix for informational purposes only and are not legal advice. The information contained on this website is not intended to create a lawyer-client relationship. Please do not use this website to send our firm confidential information without first receiving a written statement of firm representation. Website browsers should not act upon this information without seeking professional legal advice from a licensed lawyer in their state. Our lawyers are licensed in the state of Georgia. We look forward to communicating with you concerning legal matters.



ADDRESS: 945 Bank Street NE

                     Conyers, Georgia 30012

PHONE:      770-922-7700    

FAX:            844-273-2066



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